Learn tips and tools to create a healthy body and healthy love life.How to Navigate Dating Disappointment (Updated)
In this blog you’re going to learn the Calling in The One approach to navigating dating disappointment well, so that you can be successful in your quest for love.
Is your love identity keeping you single?
If you have just begun your journey to love, or, if you’ve been on it for while now but you are having difficulty meeting the right person, you might be wondering why? If the quality of people you are attracting is low; or if you’re not really...
Unlock the Full Potential of Your Body
Well, we made it to the new year! Happy New Year everyone and welcome to 2021. I’m hoping that like me, you are starting to feel an inkling of hopefulness, and an impulse for a fresh start, for a clean slate, and the motivation to put good health and vibrancy at the...
5 Tips to End 2020 in a More Peaceful Place
For most of us, 2020 uprooted our lives — personally and collectively — and in a way we’ve never experienced before. The global health pandemic, changed life as we know it, from lost jobs, to lost lives, to an upheaval in our...
Boost Your Immune System During the Pandemic
At the time I’m writing this, we are six months into a global health crisis that has upended life as we know it. The stress of this coronavirus pandemic has reached everyone and everywhere. Although the coronavirus is a novel virus that scientists are still...
Calling in “The One”: One Powerful Shift to Transform Your Love Life
If you are looking to Call in “The One” but haven’t been meeting the right men, or are unimpressed with the quality of men in your dating pool, then keep reading…
Being Single During The Holidays
If being single during the holidays gives you the blues, watch this video from Calling in “The One” Master Coach Jeanne Byrd and get TWO QUICK TIPS that will help elevate your mood, and get you connected to your body.
How to Consciously Uncouple from your Family
Recently we began a conversation about Katherine Woodward Thomas’s groundbreaking breakup program Conscious Uncoupling. You may have heard about how helpful Conscious Uncoupling is when ending romantic unions, but it is also quite effective with other kinds...
How to Consciously Uncouple From Your Job
You may have heard about the groundbreaking work that Katherine Woodward Thomas has been doing with her revolutionary breakup program Conscious Uncoupling, but did you know that the principles of Conscious Uncoupling can be applied to areas outside of romance? It’s...
How to Navigate Dating Disappointment
We’ve all been there. After tolerating so many ho-hum first dates we finally meet someone we click with. The spark is like WOW and suddenly we feel on the precipice of something big. We’re several dates and a romantic weekend into it, and our other prospects are...
Feminine Radiance
The subject of women’s radiance is one that is near and dear to my heart. So many of us are struggling, not only with accepting our outer beauty, but also with embodying all the facets of our brilliance. We worry that we’re a threat to other women if we embrace our...
Relationship Breakdown
One of the most difficult and life altering decisions you can make is whether to end your relationship or try to work it out. There may be children involved, a marriage, or you may fear for your financial future. Even though there can be enormous collateral damage...